Monday, June 6, 2011

You're supposed to pay me for being awesome..

   What you see above is the day by day decline of my blog visitors since starting this blog 3 days ago. If this keeps up I'll have to pull the plug and file for bankruptcy. Its not that hard folks, you just need to visit my page as much if not more than your Facebook or Twitter and I can keep the lights on. What you get in return is the peace of mind that I'll be here when you return instead of homeless in the street holding a sign that reads "My blog failed and now I need money for crack, god bless."If that happens its not going to be a pretty sight friends. ...Trust me. 


bird said...

Maybe if you added -izzle to the end of your blog's name, more people would read. "Zenizzle of Ignorizzle". I'm already more interested than I was before.

MM said...

For shizzle.

Unknown said...

My nizzle...
